
Nutritional Yeast – Super supplement


In total there are 13 vitamins that our body needs out of which 8 are B vitamins. The B vitamins are a group of 8 vitamins that are essential for many metabolic processes in the body. B vitamins are needed in the body to use the essential nutrients from carbohydrates, fat, and proteins. B vitamins are important because they help the body in converting food to energy, create RBCs, help cells to multiply by making new DNA, and maintain a healthy brain, skin, and brain cells. 

The 8 types of B vitamins and almost all of them helps in breaking down the food and using them in the form of energy but there are few specific functions to these B-Vitamins that are as follows:

1. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamin) :

Function: Breaking down glucose, making fatty acid, the formation of certain neurotransmitters.

Found in: Nuts, seeds, legumes, grains.

2. Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) :

Function: Helps the body in producing energy from food, converting Vitamin B-6 into a usable form, and in maintaining skin health.

Found in: Curd, milk, mushroom, egg white, paneer(cottage cheese)

3. Vitamin B-3 (Niacin)

Function: Converting energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protein into a usable form that the body can use, supports the digestive system and nervous system.

Found in: Grains, legumes, and animal-based foods.

4. Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic acid):

Function: Production of RBCs and steroid hormones, and helps the body in making proteins and fats.

Found in: Milk, eggs, yeast, sunflower seeds, and meat.

5. Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):

Function: Supports the immune system, brain development, and amino acid metabolism.

Found in: Animal meat, potatoes, leafy vegetables, and grains. 

6. Vitamin B-7 (Biotin):

Function: Used in fats and amino acids metabolism, regulation of DNA, and breaking down of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Found in: egg yolks, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

7. Folate (Vitamin B-9):

Function: Used in DNA synthesis, cell growth, and formation of RBCs

Found in: Leafy green vegetables, seeds, and citrus fruits.

8. Vitamin B-12:

Function: Works with folate (Vitamin B-9) to make RBCs, and maintain the myelin layer that surrounds the cells of the nervous system.

Found in: Mostly in meat and animal products

Our body can keep very limited stores of these vitamins hence including them in our diet on a daily basis is critical. B vitamins are water-soluble and delicate i.e. they get destroyed very easily by overcooking or consuming alcohol hence it gets difficult to maintain the required quantities of these vitamins in our diets. The B vitamins are relatively easier to consume for non-vegetarians than for vegetarians since animal products are a rich source of these vitamins. People who are vegetarians are most likely to be deficient in vitamin B-12. 

Nutritional yeast as a supplement for B Vitamins

Nutritional yeast is a great source of B vitamins. It is made from a yeast known as saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although not all forms of yeast made from this form of yeast are nutritional yeast. From Saccharomyces cerevisiae, baker’s yeast and brewer’s yeast are also made which are used to leaven bread and brew bear respectively. 

Nutritional yeast is has known to have a range of health benefits and is a very popular food among people who are vegan. Some of the main nutritional benefits of nutritional yeast include:

  • Rich source of many B vitamins: Having one tablespoon of B vitamins fulfills from 30%-180% of daily RDI. Especially when using the fortified nutritional yeast which is very rich in vitamin B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, and B-12. Although the percentage varies from brand to brand
  • The complex form of protein:  Nutritional yeast contains all the required 9 amino acids that are required in the body. 

For vegetarians, the chances of being vitamin B-12 deficient are high which is required in the body to make RBCs, and maintain the myelin layer that surrounds the cells of the nervous system. Consuming one tablespoon of fortified nutritional yeast every day can be an effective way to prevent vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Nutritional yeast also protects the body from potential free radical damage as it contains powerful antioxidants like glutathione and selenomethionine which helps in the removal of environmental toxins. 

Fortified vs Unfortified nutritional yeast

As per the options available in the market nutritional yeast can be classified as:

Unfortified: It is the pure form, without any added synthetic vitamins, and hence not altered by any external means. As the vitamin content of the unfortified one is lower as compared to the fortified one, hence it is less available in the market.

Fortified: Fortified nutritional yeast has added synthetic vitamins that enhance its nutritional content. Most of the nutritional yeast products that are available in the market are fortified ones because vitamin B-12 is not produced naturally in the yeast. The quality of the added synthetic vitamins vary from brand to brand hence buying fortified nutritional yeast from a trusted brand is important.

Recommended consumption: It is recommended to take one tablespoon of nutritional yeast daily and can be taken directly or by using it in different dishes.

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