
Huddle Summary

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Default Mode Network

When we are daydreaming or not doing anything, the brain shows consistent activity in certain regions of the brain, which are classified as DEFAULT MODE NETWORK.

As much as 45% of our time is spent in DMN. One of brain areas making up the DMN is Amygdala which is largely responsible for the fight-flight mode in body, more active in situations of stress and anxiety.

Task Positive Network

TPN is responsible for being present to the moment as opposed to rumination in DMN. This is the network of the brain that is activated when we are actively paying attention, focusing on the task at hand, using short-term memory, and in the present moment.

Paying attention and observing what is going on with any of the senses activates the task-positive network. Also, being compassionate and kind, whether to oneself or others, activates the TPN.