
Huddle Summary

Short & Crisp Snippets
Steps to improve HDL

HDL is high density lipoprotein, it brings back unused cholesterol and triglycerides back to liver for synthesis of steroidal hormones.

A good heart is when triglycerides vs HDL ratio is 2 or less than 2. Till 5 it’s ok….More than that calls for attention. (Not worry……Worry will bring cortisol and that will make situation worse)

A few steps that we are already practising at CqMyOE

1. Low Carb
2. Good saturated fats and avoid trans and poly unsaturated oils.
3. Minimise fat plus high gl carb combinations
4. Lots of fibre greens
5. 2 to4 gram Omega 3 everyday
6. Medium Chain Triglycerides like coconut oil and coconut
7. Regular zone 1 exercises
8. Keeping PNS activated.
9. Sleeping well
A few more things that can be added for good HDL.

10. Niacin vitamin
11. Magnesium
12. Pistachios (total nuts except peanuts not more than 20)

Manage Insulin and Cortisol, 80 pc shall be taken care of.