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What’s the logic behind having 12 spoons of ghee?

The concept is to ideally take 70% of daily calorie requirement from saturated fats. To sustain our new lifestyle, we aim at a maintaining minimum intake of at least 50% of daily requirement from pure fat calories, balancing the rest with proteins, carbohydrates and green vegetables. 12 spoons of ghee accounts for approx 50g of ghee or 450 cal which is good way to get half the requirement of saturated fats sorted in just one shot.

Ghee and Coconut Oil are the best kinds of saturated fats available to us, they are anti-inflammatory in nature and also contain lots of vitamins like Vit A, E and K. Ghee is a superfood, and taking a mouthful of ghee (approx 50g) daily is highly recommended in Ayurveda to heal a lot of ailments in the body.