Huddle Summary
Epigenetics means “above genetics.” Genes are small sections of the DNA. DNA is the blueprint for building a body.
The DNA or gene is not set in stone. Just because you have certain genetics doesn’t mean anything. It’s really the epigenetics. Only 1% effect is from inherited genes, rest is decided by epigenetics.
You are in charge of your DNA. You can do something about your genes, and it has to do with the epigenetic triggers. These environmental triggers turn on or off the genes.
Which gene will be expressed and which will be repressed is decided by epigenenome. Epigeneome triggers:
• Eating Nutritious food • Long fasting • Cold/Heat • Sleep • Exercise • Mood • Age • Thoughts and People around you
Take conscious care of yourself every day and your epigenomes will take care of the rest ♥️
- March 16, 2021